Eleven years ago, the Kris Johnson Group marked their debut at the Carr Center with their album “Odd Expressions.” On April 30, at 3 p.m., Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings invites the group to return to the Carr Center awaiting their new EP “Fruition.”
Resonate Symposium
Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings (DCWS) and the Carr Center have joined forces to present a two-day symposium for Detroit’s next generation of composers. The symposium will take place at the Carr Center (15 E. Kirby St.) on April 14 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and April 15 from 1:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
April 10 Concert Postponed
Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings (DCWS) announces the postponement of Sunday’s Structurally Sound at the Motown Mansion concert out of caution due to a performer coming in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The health and safety of our audience, staff and musicians are our highest priorities at all times.
DCWS Returns to the Motown Mansion in April 2022
Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings returns to the Motown Mansion for a live dance-themed concert DETROIT (March 25, 2022)—Detroit Chamber...
40 years later, Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings re-creates its first concert together
Click to view the full story by C&G Newspaper By: Mary Genson | Birmingham – Bloomfield Eagle | Published March 9, 2022 Photo by Erin...
Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings presents an evening of idiophones, xylophones and mallets
Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings presents an evening of idiophones, xylophones and mallets BIRMINGHAM, Mich. (February 3, 2022) — Detroit...
The beginning with Detroit Chamber Winds
THE BEGINNING WITH DETROIT CHAMBER WINDS A Note from H. Robert Reynolds In 1982, H. Robert Reynolds was asked to...
Uplifting Art
UPLIFTING ART A Note from Omari Rush Omari Rush engages the arts as a passion and profession, and in each...
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