

Volunteers are an integral part of Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings. Join a large group of individuals who donate their time, expertise and special skills to help make the organization stronger. Have fun, meet new people, hear concerts and participate in a range of activities!

Event Staffing

Attend events and assist with ticket sales, ushering and more.

Distribute Literature

Assistance with hand delivering marketing materials — including posters, brochures and postcards — is a crucial part of what makes DCWS such a presence in the metro Detroit area.

Provide In-Kind Services

Do you have a special skill you’d love to share with us? Let us know and we will be sure to make great use of it! From graphic design to photography and videography, any and all in-kind services are appreciated.

Office Assistance

There are a number of opportunities available in the office including answering phones and taking ticket orders, helping with mailings, data entry and filing.

Computer Assistance

Assistance with different technologies is always appreciated, including helping to create an improved database as well as providing a variety of hardware and software expertise.