Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings Thanks Our Generous Sponsors and Supporters This Year
Corporate Sponsors

2024-25 Individual Sponsors
Artist Sponsors
Donald & Sally Baker
Cecilia Benner
Betty & Art Blair New Member Chair
Kathleen Block
Gwen & Richard Bowlby
Mary Brevard
Jane Conway
Nancy Duffy
Thomas Hitchman & Keith Hewitt
Frances King
Lynn Myers
Geoffrey Nathan
Edward Sharples
Karen Hahn & Claudio Roveroni
Gail & James Straith
Kathleen Wendler
Beverly & Barry Williams
Andrea Wulf
Performance Sponsors
The Betty & Art Blair Fund
Kathleen Block
Mary Brevard
Lillian & Walter Dean
Victoria King
Family of Burton D. Jones
Gloria Heppner
Richard McClelland
Martha Pleiss
Kate & Randy Safford
Andrea Wulf
Lurline & Kingsley Sears
Karen Stankye
Gail & James Straith
Elizabeth Sullivan & Steven Gellman
Family of Carroll V. Williams
Nightnotes Sponsors
Lillian & Walter Dean
Family of Burton D. Jones
Victoria King
Lurline & Kingsley Sears
Martha Pleiss
Andrea Wulf
Institutional Funders (21-22 to Present)